


A vector with random x,y

createVector(random(width), random(height));

A physics engine in P5js

A physics engine built on accelleration, following Nature of Code 2.0 video series:

Force = Mass * Accelleration. Acceleration is just another [[vector]]. When we apply acceleration it doesn't necessarily mean we're speeding up, it could be any change expressed in motion.

"Motion 101"

	update() {

Add random acceleration (and slow it down to see what's going on)

this.acc = p5.Vector.random2D();

limit() caps the magnitude.

Convex hull / path finding / gift wrapping algorithm

Coding Challenge #148: Gift Wrapping Algorithm (Convex Hull) - YouTube

A convex shape does not have angles larger than 180 degress. A concave shape can have an angle larger than 180 degrees, for example a pac-man face shape, a pizza with a slice taken out, is a concave shape, because the internal angle at the center (where the piece is missing) is larger than 180 degrees.

A "convex hull" is a shape that does not have angles larger than 180 degrees and that contains all points.

We start with a known point on the hull – for example, the left-most point. We then check all remaining points against it, and choose the left-most point again (for every point on the hull, left would point away from the shape and right would point toward the center of the shape). Eventually, the left-most point will be the point we started out with.